When you put your future in the hands of an attorney, you want to feel secure in your decision. Most of the time, the process[…]
If you intend to file a lawsuit, you must abide by the applicable Massachusetts statute of limitations. Personal injury cases, by their very nature of[…]
The most common legal malpractice case is not dissatisfaction with the result after a trial. Rather, having agreed to a settlement the client now has[…]
Connecticut negligence cases run the gamut. Car accident cases, professional malpractice, Legal malpractice, Accountant malpractice work accidents, and premises liability cases rely on the legal standard of negligence.[…]
Although a divorce is emotionally draining, you can save time, stress, and money if you settle your case out of court. But keep in mind[…]
Car accidents are stressful and expensive, even in minor collisions. If you suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, it’s understandable that you want to[…]
Filing for divorce doesn’t mean you must go through an adversarial drawn-out court battle that drains you mentally and financially. Many couples opt to file[…]
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every area of life, including access to the courts. Many courts had instituted mandatory closures in the wake of rising[…]
Under Connecticut law, car accident victims are entitled to recover compensation for the full value of their damages from the at fault party. This means[…]
A crash or accident report is a detailed log of the circumstances surrounding a collision or other type of accident. Connecticut crash reports are typically[…]