At the law firm of StangerLaw LLC in Connecticut, our professional malpractice lawyers believe that any time people hold themselves up in society as professionals, they have to use that power responsibly. Professionals expect that their clients/patients trust them.

Whenever they fail to perform their duties appropriately, they need to know that they will be held accountable.

Contact our malpractice law firm online or call (860) 561-0651 today if you have incurred financial or personal losses due to professional malpractice.

Connecticut Professional Malpractice Cases We Handle

If you’ve been injured because of a professional’s failure to meet the accepted standard of care or professionalism in his or her field, you are entitled to compensation from the person or company that caused your injuries. Just like a carpenter’s workmanship, a professional’s workmanship is measured by the standards in the community and the outcome.

We work with our clients to evaluate whether they have been damaged by the action — or failure to act — of a professional, and whether their damages justify a lawsuit.

Some examples of malpractice include:

Legal Malpractice

Accounting Malpractice

Architectural Malpractice

  • Building collapse cases
  • Incorrect elevations
  • Failure to design safe structures

Engineering Malpractice

  • Failure to properly inspect a building
  • Design problems
  • Defective water treatment facilities
  • Problems with plans, specifications or supporting documents

Finding an Expert

Determining if professional malpractice has occurred frequently requires the use of experts. Finding the right expert is one of the most important services we provide. At StangerLaw LLC, our lawyers recommend working with experts who are active in their field, and we perform a thorough search to ensure the individuals we hire have the appropriate credentials for our case.

Common Damages in Connecticut Malpractice Cases

Damages can include reimbursement for the cost of the professional’s services as well as the value of the underlying work for which you hired the professional.

For example, if the malpractice case is against a doctor, damages could include lost wages (both past and future), medical bills and loss of enjoyment in life.

In a legal malpractice case, damages are intended to put the client in the place he or she would have been in if the lawyer had performed properly.

Contact a Connecticut Professional Malpractice Lawyer Before Time Runs Out

Every state has established time limits for filing lawsuits, including suits against an attorney. The sooner you contact an attorney, the better able your attorney will be to protect your right to pursue damages before the statute of limitations runs out on your claim. If your case is not filed in time, you can lose all of your rights.

Our professional malpractice attorneys generally accept cases on a contingency fee basis. This means we do not receive any fees for our services unless we recover money for our clients. When we win the case — either at trial or by settling out of court — our fees are deducted from the damages awarded.

Contact our Connecticut professional malpractice lawyers today for an initial consultation by filling out our online form or calling (860) 561-0651. We can help.