Staffers Facing Charges Over Alleged Patient Abuse
The recent article in the Hartford Courant drives home a tragic example of the kind of cases that we review at StangerLaw LLC. Connecticut, where we practice, has the same problems that we see in the news across the country. In this particular instance, we have a home where the disabled are taken care of operated by state agencies with employees that are abusing the patients and clients of the home. You’ll see in the article that there were surveillance cameras, obviously to catch this sort of thing, but no one was looking at the footage. After it finally came to light a review of the films showed obvious abuse which resulted in criminal action against the employees. The nature of the abuse is unclear, but we know that it could be physical abuse simply in terms of treating someone roughly, there are in some instances findings of sexual abuse, and it could even be medical malpractice in situations like this were certain aspects that are medically related form the basis of the abuse.
If an attorney brings a claim on behalf of the patient/client she has to examine carefully the nature of the abuse because there are different rules on what must be included in the lawsuit filed in court. A claim which ends up being medical malpractice brought by a lawyer who does not understand the specifics of bringing such a claim, will often result in that claim being dismissed. That would then be legal malpractice as well.
Our loved ones are often in situations where others have a responsibility to them such as in nursing homes, at work, hospitals, doctors’ offices, and schools. We handle all of these cases and can help people to understand their rights. What is not clear from the article which mentions criminal proceedings that are going forward, is whether there also are civil proceedings for damages being pursued. I wonder if many of these patients are wards of the state where the state has responsibility and acts as guardian of these clients or patients. In that instance I’m hopeful that the state is doing the right thing in making sure that the facility is operated properly, the patients or clients receive the proper care, and that if damages are due to those patients or clients that someone is pursuing the appropriate parties on their behalf.
If you or someone you know has been injured by another call us. We can help you understand whether or not there is a claim worth pursuing.